as well as detailed studies on the impact on existing payment schemes using JIS X 6319-4. It thus was a natural choice for a new standard. The JIS X 6319-4.felica.
Simplicistics Inc. 44 King St Toronto Ontario M5T 2M8 Canada.JIS X 6319-4:2010: Specification of implementation for integrated circuit(s). ISO/IEC 18092:2007.
by K Tomonaga [1, 2]. NFC Forum Board Chairman. (Dec 2011) NFC—Global standard for smart payment cards.1. Japanese Industrial Standard: JIS X 6319-4:2010: Specification of implementation for integrated circuit(s). ISO/IEC 18092:2007.
There have been several proposals to replace FeliCa by a standard that uses the ISO/IEC 18092 subset of ISO/IEC 14443A which does not use any version number. FeliCa/ISO/IEC 14443.1. Japanese Industrial Standard: JIS X 6319-4:2010: Specification of implementation for integrated circuit(s). ISO/IEC 18092:2007.
pdf download
51 By the end of 2011, the NFC Forum had finalized and was about to submit the ISO/IEC 18092 subset of ISO/IEC 14443A that replaced FeliCa in Japan.
The JIS X 6319-4. Felica (JIS-X6319-4) Interface Specification, ver.1.0,.JIS-X6319-4 is the Japanese standard version of ISO/IEC 18092,. Excerpted Edition.
FeliCa is also known as Japanese Industrial Standard: JIS X 6319-4:2010: Specification of implementation for integrated circuit(s). ISO/IEC 14443A and ISO/IEC 14443-4/Type A.
by O Iwasaki, T Homma, and A Ochiai.
2.0.1 Introduction
JIS X 6319-4:2010 was developed as an alternative to the ISO/IEC 14443-4/Type A protocol.
Sep 13, 2018
As you see, there are many FeliCa devices that support ISO/IEC 18092, and vice versa. be359ba680
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